Faculty: Faculty of Law | Durations: 2 Years

Programme Structure:

LLM full form is Master of Law and it is a postgraduate degree in Law. LLM course duration in India is of two years. A law graduate can either start a career or pusue a Law specialization such as Criminal Law, Business Law, Administrative Law, Environmental Law, Cyber Law, and many more. LLM degree gives an aligned direction to one's career objectives. Know here all about an LLM course in detail including syllabus, skill set, and job prospects.

LLM course offered at Indian colleges/ universities is of two years duration. The course curriculum of the LLM degree is structured in such a way that the law course is divided into four semesters. In Master of Law, course aspirants gain in-depth knowledge of a specific field of law through intensive research in that particular area of Law.

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Eligibility Criteria

LL.B. with 50% marks

Career Path

The scope of LLM is good in India due to the higher demand for lawyers. There are many jobs available in the field of LLM after completion. The students can opt for Teaching or research jobs. The salary is also good when compared with the other jobs.