What is SWAYAM?
SWAYAM stands for Study Webs of Active-learning for Young Aspiring Minds. SWAYAM is an indigenous developed platform, initiated by Government of India, which is instrumental for self-actualisation providing opportunities for a life-long learning.
For which standard & discipline, the Courses shall be delivered through SWAYAM?
The SWAYAM provides all the courses from 9th class to PG Level.
Can any person in the world register a Course on SWAYAM?
Yes, any person in the world can register a Course on SWAYAM.
What is the eligibility criterion for joining an online course?
There is no specific eligibility / age criterion for any of the online courses. The faculty of a particular course may recommend some basic knowledge of certain topics for a person to fully grasp the contents of a course. Anyone may join an online course and register for the exam.
What Courses are planned & who can deliver the MOOCs on SWAYAM?
You can choose from hundreds of courses, that is taught at the university / college / school level. More than 1,000 teachers and lecturers from across the Country have participated in preparing these courses.
Who shall produce & deliver the MOOCs on SWAYAM?
MHRD has appointed nine National Coordinators viz UGC, NPTEL, CEC, IGNOU, NCERT, NIOS, IIMB, NITTTR & AICTE which have been assigned a specific sector for preparation of online courses for SWAYAM.
Is there a fee to join/register for a SWAYAM course?
The courses delivered through SWAYAM are available free of cost to the learners, but students who need certificate will write a proctored exam which has a nominal fee
Are Skill based courses also to be covered under SWAYAM?
The SWAYAM shall also cover Skill based courses.
Are Swayam courses recognized by employers or educational institutions?
SWAYAM courses are recognized by the Government of India and participating institutions. However, recognition may vary depending on the institution or organization. It's recommended to check with relevant authorities for specific recognition details.
How can I register on SWAYAM?
Go to the official website and click "Register as Student" to register yourself.
What are the required info. for registering on SWAYAM?
Your Name, Email ID are essential information for registration process on SWAYAM platform.
Can I signup using microsoft or google login?
Yes you can.
How would I know that my account is verified, Will I receive an email notification?
Yes, you will be receiving email notification from
I forgot my login password. Is there any provision to reset my password?
Click "forgot password" option and follow steps to retrieve/recreate your password.
How can I search a course on SWAYAM?
You can search with your own keywords or you can choose categories listed on
How can I select a course on SWAYAM?
After you have search a category or a keyword, a list of courses will appear. You may click the course-title of the course that you find suitable, detailed course-page of that course would appear.
How can I know which course will be suitable to enroll into?
Go through the Course-page and check the eligibility and other information.
Can I search category wise courses on SWAYAM?
Yes, you can.
Can I search a course on a specific topic?
Yes, you can search a course on a specific topic.
Can I search and find a course from any specific University?
You can go to the specific University/Institute page and search the courses being offered by those Institute/University.
Where can a learner find, course syllabus & details of course credit?
The learner will be able to find the syllabus & course credit details on the course detail page.
How to find out the eligibilities for the courses?
In the Course-page, all the details of the eligibility are mentioned.
Can I enroll into multiple courses once I got myself registered with SWAYAM portal?
Yes, you can enroll in multiple course (MOOCs) on SWAYAM after registration.
Is there any time limit or deadline to the courses where I am enrolled?
For participation in a course which is a scheduled course, students cannot enroll after the course is started. For a Self-paced course there is no deadline.
Can I submit my assignments online?
Yes, It can be done!
Do I need a dedicated internet connection? or I can consume course contents offline once logged in?
You would need an active internet connection to consume course contents.
Can I also download my content for offline access?
Yes provided faculty has given the download access to the students.
How can I ask a question to the faculty?
You can find the option "Q&A" on the course page to post your course related queries.
Will it be visible to all the students enrolled in that course?
Yes, Since it is an open forum.
Will I receive notification emails when new post is added?
Yes, only if you have subscribed to the discussion forum.