ANM (Auxiliary Nursing Midwifery)

Faculty: Faculty of Nursing | Durations: 2 Years

Programme Structure:

ANM or Auxiliary Nursing Midwifery is primarily a 2 year diploma course, focusing on the study of the health of mankind. Besides, while learning this course, candidates are also taught about the Operation Theatre, its functioning, various types of equipment, and how to handle them. The significant motive of the ANM course is to train the candidates in functioning as basic health workers in society and give treatment to children, women, and aged people

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Eligibility Criteria

10+2 passed with any Stream

Career Path

After pursuing ANM you can work as Home Nurses, Community Health Workers, Rural Health Workers, or Basic Health Workers. These opportunities span private and government hospitals, industries, orphanages, nursing homes, old age homes, and even the medical services of the Armed Forces.